
When users access shared resources in a selfish manner, the resulting societal cost and perceived users’ cost is often higher than what would result from a centrally coordinated optimal allocation. While several contributions in mechanism design manage to steer the aggregate users choices to the desired optimum by using monetary tolls, such approaches bear the inherent drawback of discriminating against users with a lower income. Against this backdrop, with the FISH project, we aim to design incentive schemes based on artificial currencies with the goal of achieving a system-optimal resource allocation that is also fair.


Leonardo Pedrosoa | WebsiteORCID iD iconGitHub icon
Andrea Agazzib | ORCID iD icon
W.P.M.H. (Maurice) Heemelsa | WebsiteORCID iD icon
Mauro Salazara | ORCID iD icon

aControl Systems Technology section, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
bMathematics Department, UniversitĂ  di Pisa, Pisa, Italy


The FISH repositories are currently maintained by Leonardo Pedroso (l.pedroso@tue.nl).