Urgency-aware Routing in Single Origin-destination Itineraries through Artificial Currencies


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Short abstract

Within mobility systems, the presence of self-interested users can lead to aggregate routing patterns that are far from the societal optimum. We design a fair incentive mechanism so that the selfish behavior of the users aligns with the societally-optimal aggregate routing. The proposed mechanism is based on an artificial currency that cannot be traded or bought, but is only used when traveling. Specifically, we consider a parallel-arc network with a single origin and destination node whereby each user chooses from one of the available arcs to reach their destination on a daily basis. Taking faster routes comes at a cost, whereas taking slower routes is incentivized by a reward. Our numerical simulations show that it is possible to achieve a near-optimal solution whilst significantly reducing the users’ perceived discomfort.


Source code

A MATLAB implementation of the methods and simulations presented in this paper are openly available in an open-source repository available at github.com/fish-tue/single-origin-destination-routing. The code is thoroughly commented and is easy to follow and modify.

The source code can also be downloaded directly here (2.9 MB).

See below for step-by-step instructions on how the illustrative numerical results in [1, Section V.I ] were obtained from the source code made available.

Simulation Results

Generate Illustrative Network

To generate an illustrative network use the generate_network.m script, where the parameters regarding the network ($n$,$\mathbf{d}(\mathbf{x})$, $c(\mathbf{x})$), the population ($M$, $s_{\mathrm{min}}$, $\bar{s}$, $s_{\mathrm{max}}$, $P_\mathrm{home}$, $T$) can be set.

>> generate_network
Your initial point x0 is not between bounds lb and ub; FMINCON
shifted x0 to strictly satisfy the bounds.

                                            First-order      Norm of
 Iter F-count            f(x)  Feasibility   optimality         step
    0       1    1.244026e+01    1.188e+00    4.389e+01
    1       2    1.030693e+00    6.698e-01    7.838e+01    4.942e-01
   23      25    4.304604e-01    0.000e+00    1.178e-07    2.082e-05

Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints.

Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in
feasible directions, to within the value of the optimality tolerance,
and constraints are satisfied to within the value of the constraint tolerance.

<stopping criteria details>
System opt. flows (x_star):	0.0877055 0.13087 1.73245e-07 0.305343 0.426081
System opt. disc. (d_star):	0.561107 0.594339 0.708511 0.71071 0.910614
System opt. cost:		0.43046

Compute Near-optimal Arcs’ Prices

To compute the arcs’ prices according to the method proposed in [1, Section V.I], use the n_arcs_pricing.m script.

>> n_arcs_pricing
Diagnostic information:
Fitness function: @(p)c(n_arcs_stationary_flows(d_star,T,p',s_max,s_bar,s_min,P_go,P_home))
5 Variable(s)
5 Integer variable(s)
6 Linear inequality constraint(s)
1 Linear equality constraint(s)

CreationFcn:       @CustomCreationFcn
CrossoverFcn:      @crossoverlaplace
SelectionFcn:      @selectiontournament
MutationFcn:       @mutationpower
PopulationSize:    20
FitnessLimit:      0.43476
StallGenLimit:     3
Display:           'diagnose'
End of diagnostic information.

                                  Best          Mean         Stall
Generation      Func-count     Penalty         Penalty    Generations
    1               40          0.4552           1.908        0
    2               57          0.4552           1.206        1
    3               74          0.4552           1.451        2
    4               91           0.438           1.919        0
    5              108           0.438           4.085        1
    6              125           0.438           1.137        2
    7              142           0.438           2.273        3
Optimization terminated: average change in the penalty fitness value less than options.FunctionTolerance
and constraint violation is less than options.ConstraintTolerance.
Elapsed time is 452.616053 seconds.
Genetic alg. prices:		79 63 39 13 -45

Pot Decision Landscape

The decision landscape with the selected prices at the system’s optimum can be plotted using the draw_decision_landscape.m script.

>> draw_decision_landscape.m


Simulate Evolution

The simulation is carried out by computing the daily Nash equilibrium and the decisions of each user. It can be carried out using the simulation.m script.

>> simulation


  • When the Karma levels are very high, the users behave as if the pricing scheme were not implemented
  • The system’s optimum is achieved with the selected prices
  • The perceived discomfort is significantly lower in comparison to a optimal but urgency-unaware policy


If you use this repository, please reference the publication below.

L. Pedroso, W.P.M.H. Heemels, and M. Salazar, “Urgency-aware optimal routing in repeated games through artificial currencies”, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023. doi:10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383739.

  author = {Leonardo Pedroso and W. P. M. H. Heemels and Mauro Salazar},
  title = {Urgency-aware Routing in Single Origin-destination Itineraries through Artificial Currencies},
  booktitle = {62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383739}


[1] L. Pedroso, W.P.M.H. Heemels, and M. Salazar, “Urgency-aware optimal routing in repeated games through artificial currencies”, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2023. doi: 10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383739.